Svetlana in Wonderland: Professor Svetlana Jitomirskaya

March 24, 2025

Consider the guitar leaning against the wall over there—you got it because you wanted to look cool, sure, but notice that it is unlike a piano (where you press one key and you get one note) and also unlike a violin (where you can press anywhere, and you look less cool). The guitar is somewhere in between because its frets are positioned where they are for a reason, not arbitrarily, but you can still make tiny changes to notes, as tiny as you like. It’s kinda digital at the same time it’s kinda analog. 

Mathematics has a similar area of study, coolly named Wonderland Spectra that is handy for describing singular-continuous phenomena like certain kinds of waves, or energy levels in atoms. They are not discrete, like a piano note, but they aren’t continuous either, like a violin string. They are something in between – scattered but in a very specific, structured way, kind of like frets on a guitar or the pattern of a fractal. This type of math draws on several specialties, including functional analysis, harmonic analysis, spectral theory, probability theory, and fractal geometry. Wonderland Spectra can help scientists understand the neither-here-nor-there aspects of quantum physics that everyone is chasing after because they might have potential applications in quantum computing or other technologies that exploit quantum coherence and entanglement. 

Photo credit: Brittany Hosea-Small

So wait – mathematicians are infamously insular and abstract-oriented, and you’re saying what we need is someone who works across several specialties and has interests in supporting applications? Luckily, UC Berkeley has got her. Svetlana Jitomirskaya moved up here in 2023 after spending about thirty years teaching and publishing down at UC Irvine. 

Professor Jitomirskaya is the right mathematician for this moment. She’s been well-recognized for her research in mathematical physics and her contributions to education, including the 2023 inaugural Barry Prize. She is the Cheshire Cat of Wonderland singular-continuous spectra. There are no empty seats in her seminars because so many faculty colleagues and postdocs want to join the students and follow along as Jitomirskaya puts disparate melodies up on the chalkboard and then finds their resolution. 

Quantum mechanical behavior of particles in extreme circumstances is often hazy, with non-repetitive yet ordered activity, so scientists use labels like ‘quasiperiodic’ that sound more definite than they are. Professor Jitomirskaya’s recent work is supplying more precise ways to describe their action with sharp arithmetical analysis so quantum states (like electron wave functions) can be characterized with exactness, without ambiguity or approximation. 

In a similar way, the professor has put together a story of how she grew into her position here in California from a messy and far from ideal family history that reaches behind the Iron Curtain. That both her parents and her children also got their livelihoods through mathematics appears like a consistent pattern, but a closer look shows more than a small amount of disorder. You can see a special profile of her done by Quanta Magazine shortly before she made the move to Berkeley. She presents an honest—sharp, perhaps—view of her academic career. We also recommend that you listen to her enthusiasm describing her own early accomplishments and background in this professionally produced segment by the Simons Foundation. 

The UC Berkeley Mathematics Department helps students develop a more mature comprehension of how complex phenomena behave without disenchanting the wonderful worlds through which we travel. Professor Svetlana Jitomirskaya is an insightful character in our cast of engaging teachers.