Nietzsche and Literary Studies


Nietzsche and Literary Studies tackles the literary implications of Nietzsche's philosophy and the philosophical implications of his approaches to style and expression. The book offers a complete guide to Nietzsche's writings, which in turn draw on two and a half millennia of literary and philosophical history, reaching back to Heraclitus, Plato, and the Cynics and from there to Diderot, the Schlegels, Stendahl, and Stifter, and have inspired a further century of responses from literary writers and philosophers, from Proust, Gide, and Thomas Mann to Derrida and Sarah Kofman. Individual chapters cover aphorism, the novel form, dialogue and dialogism, metaphor, truth, lies, and self-creation. Contributions are written by scholars from a wide range of fields, including classical studies, literary theory, history of literature and philosophy (including Nietzsche studies), theology and religion, and ecology.

Editor: James Porter
Publication date: 
April 25, 2024
Publication type: 