I am an evolutionary biologist broadly interested in the ecology, evolution, and genomics of adaptive radiation in fishes. My lab uses field experiments, natural history, population genomics, behavioral ecology, functional morphology, quantitative and functional genetics, and phylogenetic methods to dissect this process at the mesoevolutionary scale in rapid radiations of three or more species.
For full research description, please visit Christopher's Faculty Profile.
My primary interest is understanding how organisms respond developmentally to environmental signals, and how and why these responses evolve as populations have adapted or will adapt to changing environmental conditions. I run a small to medium sized lab primarily funded by NSF grants, and to gain integrative understanding of our chosen foci, our work embraces a wide range of techniques from detailed studies of molecular mechanisms to genomic studies of archaeological samples to large field experiments. I started at UCB in January 2016 after 3.5 years as junior faculty at UVA, and I...
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Thomas and Stacey Siebel Distinguished Chair in Stem Cell Biology and Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
Molecular & Cell Biology
For full research description, please visit Andy's Faculty Profile.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology and William V. Power Chair in Biology (1991-2011), And Affiliate, Division of Cell Biology, Development & Physiology
Molecular & Cell Biology
For full research description, please visit Jeremy's Faculty Profile.