HD Majors: Intro

9. If a high-demand major also offers a minor program, can students add the minor without the comprehensive review process?

Not all L&S majors offer a minor. Of the L&S high-demand majors, only Global Studies and Political Economy offer minor programs. The Psychology department and School of Public Health offer summer minors.

L&S does not have a comprehensive review process for any of its minor programs. The department that offers the minor determines the criteria to declare a minor. Please contact the department that offers the minor for more information on how to add the minor program to your degree plan.

1. Why is L&S implementing a high-demand major policy?

The L&S high-demand major policy is designed to improve the student experience. In L&S, most of our 80+ majors are “open”— to declare that major, you need to take the prerequisite courses, maintain good academic standing in the College, and file a declaration form. However, there is a small subset of high-demand majors that have additional requirements to better match teaching capacity to student demand. Traditionally, to declare a high-demand major in L&S, students are required to have a minimum GPA in a specific set of courses (also referred to as major prerequisites)....

Is there a deadline to declare a high-demand major?

Yes - students must apply for or officially declare the high-demand major no later than their 5th semester. This applies to students admitted in fall 2023 who are guaranteed a seat AND to students who are subject to comprehensive review.

6. Will the HD major policy apply to students who were admitted to UC Berkeley before fall 2023, but apply for readmission or Change of College into L&S after fall 2023?

No, the HD major policy does not apply to any L&S student who was admitted to UC Berkeley before fall 2023. Students should follow the admissions policies that were in place during the academic year in which they were admitted (See the Berkeley Academic Guide for the academic year in which you were admitted for more information).

8. Is there an advantage to applying early to a high-demand major?

For students who did not apply for a high-demand major at the time of application, there is no advantage to applying early for a comprehensive review.

First-year students applying to the College of Letters & Science with an interest in a high-demand major are highly encouraged to select that major on their UC Berkeley admissions application. If admitted to L&S, they will be guaranteed a spot in the major they selected, subject to completing prerequisites, maintaining good academic standing in L&S, and filing a declaration form.

7. Is it possible to apply for two or more high-demand majors, as long as I've met the requirements?

Yes, current students can apply for one or more high-demand major(s) ONCE via comprehensive review. Students will also need to prepare an alternate, non-high-demand major plan.

4. How will this impact students who wish to double major or pursue a simultaneous degree?

Any student who adds or switches to a high-demand major will go through a comprehensive review for that major. Even if you are guaranteed a spot in one high-demand major, adding a second one (or switching to a different one) requires a comprehensive review.

3. Does the HD major policy mean that students enrolled in a high-demand major will come into college declared?

No. Beginning fall 2023, first-year students who select a high-demand major on their Berkeley Letters & Science application and are admitted to L&S will be guaranteed a spot in that major, subject to completing the prerequisites, maintaining good academic standing in the College, and filing a declaration form.

2. How is the HD major policy beneficial to the student and campus community?

With the high-demand major policy, we are striving to improve the undergraduate student experience, make access to our high-demand majors more equitable, and help ensure that student enrollment grows sustainably.