Getting Grants

UC Berkeley's Script Encoding Initiative wins $1.3M in grants for advancing digital inclusion

November 7, 2024

Anushah Hossain

The Script Encoding Initiative (SEI), led by researchers Anushah Hossain and Deborah Anderson in the Linguistics Department, recently received grants from the Internet Society Foundation ($300,000) and the Mellon Foundation ($1M) for research on digital inclusion of diverse writing systems. SEI aims to increase the number of writing systems...

Stephen Brohawn

Assistant Professor
Molecular & Cell Biology
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute

For full research description, please visit Stephen's Faculty Profile.

John F. Hartwig


For full research description, please visit John's Faculty Profile.

Chris Chang

Molecular & Cell Biology
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute

For full research description, please visit Chris' Faculty Profile.

Sarah Stanley

Associate Professor
Molecular and Cell Biology

I am an immunologist and microbiologist who works on bacterial infection. I received my PhD from UCSF in 2006 under the mentorship of Jeff Cox. My work focused on using genetic approaches to identify virulence factors in the bacterial pathogen M. tuberculosis. I then received postdoctoral training at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, where I explored chemical biological approaches to identifying novel treatments for tuberculosis. I started my lab at Cal in 2012. My research here has focused on understanding protective immunity to Mtb at a mechanistic level using the mouse model...

Michael Botchan

Dean of Biological Sciences, Professor
Molecular & Cell Biology

I received a PhD in Biophysics here at Berkeley studying in the Chemistry department. I discovered the rapidly renaturing "satellite " DNA in drosophila (Dm) and showed that they are located in the heterochromatin. I left posit doc at Cold Spring Harbor Labs and became a virologists studying SV-40 and Adenoviruses. My work there showed that these Viruses integrate without specificity in cells they transformed where replication was non-permissive or very weak. I cloned the first tumor viral chromosomal DNA as showed that the sequences at the junctions were the results of end joining....

Marla Feller

Paul Licht Distinguished Professor
Molecular & Cell Biology
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute

I was trained as an experimental physicist and transitioned to neurobiology as a postdoctoral researcher. I am a junior professor at NIH, UCSD and came to UC Berkeley as an Associated professor.

For full research description, please visit Marla's Faculty Profile.

John J. Battles

Environmental Science, Policy & Management

I have never had a non-academic job in my adult career. I am a dedicated field scientist engaged in long-term, multidisciplinary research. Most of my research occurs in the Sierra Nevada, CA and White Mountains, NH. My first and only professor track job is at Berkeley. So I do know the ropes of the UC system.

For full research description, please visit John's Faculty Profile.

David Savage

Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
Molecular & Cell Biology

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular & Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley and an Investigator in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. I was born and raised in rural Iowa and continue to help manage my family’s farm, which was recognized in 2010 as an Iowa Heritage Farm. I attended Gustavus Adolphus College, where and earned a B.A. in Chemistry and minored in Computer Science. In 2007 I received a Ph.D. from UCSF working on membrane protein structure determination with Robert Stroud. From 2007 to 2011, I was a Life Sciences Research...

David Moore

Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology

My lab started at Mass General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in 1981. I moved from Boston to Baylor College of Medicine in 1997, and from Houston to Berkeley in 2020 to join Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology. I have been Chair of NST since July 2022. My research is focused on the family of hormone receptors called the nuclear receptors, which includes the steroid receptors and many other with more recently identified functions.

For full research description, please visit David's ...