The High Price of Freeways


The High Price of Freeways consists of stories, most set in California, that explore the oddity of living in a place where freedom is touted, but its costs are often hidden: abortion, rape, and childbirth form the backdrop for several stories; a pan-sexual comic gets perilously intimate with her handsome acupuncturist; three long-separated triplets reunite and somebody ends up the odd one out; militants establish a black cultural clearinghouse in San Francisco where new identities are forged. Oakland, Berkeley, S.F., Sacramento, Los Angeles — all are crisscrossed with freeways, migrants from the South, and class contradictions. When the locale shifts to New Jersey and Harlem, highways, traffic, bridges and waterways take their toll too.

Judy Juanita
Publication date: 
June 30, 2022
Publication type: 