The James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Center on Wealth and Income Inequality at UC Berkeley was created to serve as a research hub for campus and beyond, enabling UC Berkeley’s world-leading scholars to deepen our understanding of the inequality in society and formulate new approaches to address the challenge of creating a more equitable society. The Center serves as the primary convening point at UC Berkeley for research, teaching and data development concerning the causes, nature, and consequences of wealth and income inequalities with a special emphasis on the concentration of wealth at the very top.
Learn more about our alumni visitors:
Luis Bauluz, Postdoctoral researcher, University of Bonn
Thomas Blanchet, Postdoctoral researcher, University of California, Berkeley
Salla Kalin, PhD Student, University of Helsinki
Sébastien Laffitte, PhD student, ENS Paris-Saclay
Claire Leroy, PhD student, CREST - Ecole polytechnique
Miika Päällysaho, PhD student, Stockholm University
Joerg Paetzold, Associate professor of economics at the university of Salzburg
Laurent Simula, Professor of economics at ENS Lyon
Morten Stostad, PhD student, Paris School of Economics