Tina (‘91, East Asian Languages and Economics) and David Walton (‘86, JD in Law) both graduated from UC Berkeley, though they only first met after their graduation, when they were both living in Seattle. Their marriage led them first to Hong Kong, and eventually to their permanent home in Singapore. There, David is the Deputy Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer for BOC Aviation and Tina is a published author. Her young adult novel Last Days of the Morning Calm and her short story in the Anthology A Book of Hugs, Stories to Keep you Company, are available through Tina’s website(link is external)). David and Tina joined the Charter Hill Society to bring Cal programming to fellow Cal Bears in Singapore and strengthen the local community there. As honorary chairs, they recently made their gift to Fiat Lux Scholarships in order to support students who may otherwise not be able to afford the cost of tuition. “We both would like to play some small part in helping others get through Berkeley free from the pressure that student debt will inevitably create.”
April 6, 2021