Support the Biological Sciences

Supporting the Biological Sciences

UC Berkeley's Division of Biological Sciences generates profound shifts in our understanding of living organisms. CRISPR genome engineering, immuno-oncology, telomeres and telomerase, the proto-human "Ardi," and the molecular behavior of insulin - these are examples of world-altering discoveries that originated at Berkeley. New insights - many uncovered in our laboratories and in the natural world - fuel the widely accepted belief that the life sciences form the defining research enterprise of the 21st century. Our students learn from and work with some of the world's leading scientific minds, deciphering the interplay of living organisms from the intracellular to the ecosystemic to the planetary.

For more information or questions about the Biological Sciences, please contact or one of the development team members listed below.


Supporting Graduate Student Fellowships

Graduate students are existential to the research enterprise, teaching and our institutional reputation. Biological Sciences seeks to expand the number of graduate fellowship endowments. This increases stable, multi-year support to ensure the size and quality of our incoming graduate students.

Learn about our graduate student support funds here.

Supporting Faculty

Our excellence is in part measured by our talent. Our faculty drive our scientific research and teaching missions. We are strengthening our foundation from which we can recruit and retain the best minds in areas of science, in areas of strength, and areas or across disciplines where we are moving.

Highlighted Initiatives

Meet the Development Team

Kirsten Swan

Assistant Dean of Development

Division of Biological Sciences | 510.643.2228 office

Jose Echevarria Acosta

Director of Development

Division of Biological Sciences

Ashley Feigel

Senior Development Analyst

Ryan Guasco

Senior Associate Director of Development

Meghan Long

Development Associate

Rachel Schafer

Senior Director of Development

Tim SchneiderTim Schneider

Senior Director of Development

Melanie VandenBerghe

Assistant Director of Communications and Alumni Relations