At the annual Excellence in Management awards ceremony on Tuesday, May 2, the Berkeley Staff Assembly recognized outstanding university staff employees from across campus. The 2023 theme, "Everyday Heroes: Leading the Path to Excellence," paid homage to individuals whose leadership demonstrated and encouraged mentorship, dignity, respect, and belonging. Nominees were selected and evaluated based on three main criteria:
- Intentionality: Manager/supervisor clearly defines goals for team members to strive towards; and creates a culture of inclusion that empowers the team and others to live and work intentionally.
- Raising everyone up (a rising tide lifts all boats): Manager/supervisor increases the overall level of inclusion and opportunities within an organization that benefits everyone.
- Dignity and respect: Manager/supervisor demonstrates dignity and respect to staff, encourages dignity and respect in the workplace.
Of the 28 award recipients honored this year, four are staff members from the College of Letters & Science: Tanya Chirapuntu, L&S Advising; Michelle Fong, Economics; Christian Gordon, Division of Social Sciences; and Isela Peña-Rager, L&S Advising. Congratulations to all Excellence in Management awardees!