Audrey Knowlton
As the Biological Sciences Diversity Director, I collaborate with prospective and current undergraduates, as well as graduate students to complete their educational degrees and to achieve their academic and career goals. At Berkeley, I work primarily in the Molecular and Cell Biology(link is external) and Integrative Biology(link is external) departments. However, I am a resource to all Biosciences students, specifically preparing them for graduate studies. I welcome the opportunity to hear from you at sends e-mail).
Audrey Knowlton, Academic Program Director
Amgen & Genentech Scholars Program
Biological Sciences Diversity Director
L&S Deans' Office
Office location: 2415 Dwinelle Hall
Mailing Address: 2413 Dwinelle Hall, MC# 2990
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-2990
Office Phone: (unavailable)