Selecting courses that satisfy requirements for both 7-Course Pattern and L&S General Education requirements will automatically satisfy these requirements upon admission.
We strongly recommend that prior to transferring to Berkeley you complete articulated courses as published on for these L&S General Education requirements:
In the box labeled “Search below for articulation agreements” select:
Academic year: the year you completed the course. Academic year encompasses Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. For example academic year 2023-2024 encompasses Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024, and Summer 2024
Institution: select the institution where you completed the course
Agreements with Other Institutions: select “To: University of California, Berkeley”
Click on "View Agreements"
On the next page, select View Agreement by “General Education/Breadth”
Click on “General Education/Breadth” from the populated list
Scroll through the agreement to review courses approved for Reading & Composition, Quantitative Reasoning, Foreign Language, and each of the Breadth Areas.