Administrative Advisory Committee

The Administrative Advisory Committee (AAC) is a representative body of managers from departments and other units in L&S. The AAC convenes monthly to discuss emerging issues, organize staff recognition and engagement events, and share information across the College. Contact your AAC representative or email with your questions or concerns. 

AAC Roster

Arts & Humanities Representatives

Biological Sciences Representative

  • Mary Hsueh, Academic Personnel Manager, Biosciences Divisional Services

Mathematical & Physical Sciences Representative

Social Sciences Representative

  • Rachel Crow, Director of Administration, Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs (ISSP)
  • Sandra B. Richmond, Director of Administration, AGES, Social Science Cluster

Undergraduate Studies Representative

Deans' Office Representatives

  • Amy Robinson, Assistant Executive Dean
  • Jessica Rojas, Director of Academic Personnel, Division of Undergraduate Studies and College of Letters & Science Non-Senate Research
  • Rebecca Sablo, Assistant Dean, Finance & Administration, Undergraduate Studies
  • Nick Dear, Human Resources Director

Invited Members

  • Adri Martinez, Operations and Project Manager, College of Letters & Science Deans' Office
  • Sara Larsen, Executive Assistant to the L&S Executive Dean

Questions? Email:

AAC Charter

I. Mission Statement

Founded in October 1990, the Administrative Advisory Committee acts as a representative body of managers from departments and other units in the College of Letters and Science. The mission of the committee is as follows:

  • To utilize the professional expertise and specialized knowledge of departmental managers and provide formal recognition of the importance of the manager's role in campus administration.
  • To develop and maintain channels of communication among departmental managers, the L&S deans' office, and central campus administrative offices.
  • To serve as an advisory board that initiates, evaluates, and guides the development of administrative policies and procedures that support departmental operating needs.
  • To provide a forum for managers to discuss, share, and formulate ways to improve administrative efficiency and effectiveness, manage change, and identify and respond to problems and opportunities.
  • To promote an atmosphere of collegiality and community among the managers and staff of units in Letters and Science.

II. Membership

The composition of the committee is as follows:

Participants from the L&S Deans' Office:

  • Assistant Executive Dean, Finance and Administration
  • Representative from the Deans' Directors of Academic Administration
  • Representative from the Divisional CAOs
  • L&S Human Resources Director

Six departmental managers who serve as divisional group representatives.

Divisional Group (Number of Representatives)

  • Biological Sciences (1)
  • Arts & Humanities (2)
  • Physical Sciences (1)
  • Social Sciences (2)
  • Undergraduate Studies (1)

When deemed appropriate by the committee, the standing membership may be supplemented by invited members who may serve for a specified length of time and/or provide special assistance to the committee.

III. Selection and Term of Appointment

With the exception of the L&S Deans' Office representatives, all committee members will be selected by their respective groups and are expected to serve for a period of two years. Groups may also wish to appoint alternates in the event that elected representatives cannot attend a scheduled AAC meeting.

A copy of this charter will be given to each new member of the committee.

After soliciting suggestions from AAC members, the Assistant Executive Dean will select a chair of the committee from among L&S managers. The manager can be a current or past member of the committee. The term of the chair shall be one year.

IV. Meetings

The committee will meet regularly during the academic year.

V. Responsibilities of Committee Members

  • Attend all regularly scheduled committee meetings.
  • Divisional group representatives will maintain a line of communication between the managers within their respective groups and the committee.
  • Coordinate periodic (usually monthly) meetings of divisional group managers.
  • Present concerns and recommendations on administrative issues arising from divisional group meetings.
  • Provide divisional group managers with regular reports on all committee discussions and activities.
  • Serve on sub-committees and work on special projects which are in support of the mission of the committee.

VI. Duties of the Chair

The chair prepares the agenda and distributes materials in advance of the meeting. The chair is responsible for facilitating the meetings, encouraging full participation of the members and visitors, and ensuring follow up on action items. The chair represents the committee, as appropriate, to the campus community.

VII. Agenda and Minutes

The agenda will be coordinated and prepared by the chair of the committee. Items for discussion will be solicited from all committee members.

Minutes will be recorded by the deans' office representative, reviewed by the chair and distributed via e-mail to all members and managers.

The guidelines set forth by this charter may be adjusted upon the consensus of the committee.