Letters & Science Bookshelf

Our virtual bookshelf features publications authored, translated, or edited by members of the L&S community. To submit a publication, please use this form or email lscomms@berkeley.edu

Looking for a specific title? Please use the search bar; responses will appear in the table below. Email lscomms@berkeley.edu with additional inquiries or requests.

Title Author Year Publication typesort descending
Asian American Histories of the United States Catherine Ceniza Choy 2022 Book
Eggtooth Jesse Nathan 2023 Book
Genesis and Validity: The Theory and Practice of Intellectual History Martin Jay 2021 Book
Women and Power in Africa: Aspiring, Campaigning, and Governing Edited by Leonardo Arriola, Martha C Johnson and Melanie L Phillips 2022 Book
Interventions for Women Angela Hume 2021 Book