Letters & Science Bookshelf

Our virtual bookshelf features publications authored, translated, or edited by members of the L&S community. To submit a publication, please use this form or email lscomms@berkeley.edu

Looking for a specific title? Please use the search bar; responses will appear in the table below. Email lscomms@berkeley.edu with additional inquiries or requests.

Title Author Year Publication type
Departures: An Introduction to Critical Refugee Studies Yen Le Espiritu, Lan Duong, Ma Vang, Victor Bascara, Khatharya Um, Lila Sharif, Nigel Hatton 2022 Book
Diary of a Reluctant Dreamer: Undocumented Vignettes from a Pre-American Life Alberto Ledesma 2017 Book
Eclipse and Revelation: Total Solar Eclipses in Science, History, Literature, and the Arts Co-Editor: Henrike Lange 2024 Book
Ecopoetics: Essays in the Field Angela Hume 2018 Book
Eggtooth Jesse Nathan 2023 Book